HTML Images


HTML Images are used to display pictures, graphics, and visual content on a web page.
The <img> tag is used to embed an image, specifying the source file and other attributes.

Key Attributes of the <img> Tag:

Insert Image


Image Maps

desert desert

click on the Television to know about DESERT

Inserting an Gif file:


HTML Block/Inline

Block-level Elements:

A block-level element always begins on a new line, and browsers add a margin (a space) before and after the element by default. A block-level element always occupies the entire available width and extends as far to the left and right as it can.



Inline Elements:

  1. inline element does not start on a new line.
  2. An inline element only takes up as much width as necessary.
  3. This is a element inside a paragraph.
HTML CSS Javascript